97 more article titles

Searching for zoysia seedheads beside the Gulf of Thailand.
Searching for zoysia seedheads beside the Gulf of Thailand.

Ninety-seven months ago I wrote a post with the title 99 article titles. That post listed the first 99 articles I’d written in my series for ゴルフ場セミナー (Golf Course Seminar) magazine.

These are the 97 article titles that came next.

  1. Summer soil temperature: does soil water matter?
  2. Measuring soil water and temperature of a dry spot on a green
  3. I’d recommend less coring and less topdressing sand than I used to
  4. Conversations about putting green organic matter
  5. Irrigation water requirement in a sand rootzone compared to a soil rootzone
  6. Irrigation water requirement by two different methods
  7. Putting green speed and standard deviation: what does it mean?
  8. After the last page of the textbook, then what? Part 1
  9. After the last page of the textbook, then what? Part 2
  10. The most important things to know about soil pH
  11. The MLSN soil nutrient guidelines after 5 years
  12. Is daily irrigation better than infrequent irrigation?
  13. A framework for classifying golf course maintenance data
  14. Leaf nutrient analysis is not especially useful
  15. Is putting green surface hardness reflected in tournament statistics?
  16. Does nutrient application really do anything?
  17. Three levels of strategy for improving turf conditions
  18. Diesel and CO2 emissions from fairway mowing
  19. CO2 in OM and greens mowing
  20. Soil numbers: 40-30-20-10 & OM by depth
  21. Do grasses have inherent characteristics?
  22. Reference ranges for turfgrass leaf nutrient levels
  23. Grass height and green speed
  24. Dollar spot prediction by temperature and humidity
  25. Estimating nitrogen mineralization in the soil based on temperature and soil moisture
  26. A 12 point checklist for creeping bentgrass heat stress
  27. The questions I ask at every golf course
  28. Organic matter and its measurement in putting green soils
  29. Counting the number of good days to grow grass
  30. Management of organic matter in putting greens: the standard recommendations, or 5 alternative recommendations
  31. Phosphorus fertilizer and Poa annua
  32. Precise application of N in summer
  33. Predicting putting green growth suppression based on temperature
  34. Clipping volume around the world
  35. Uniformity of soil moisture in putting greens
  36. Organic matter gradients at the surface of putting greens
  37. Green speed change from morning to afternoon
  38. Post-rain growth: what’s the cause of it?
  39. Soil testing should lead to less fertilizer use, not more
  40. Superintendent salaries in the USA
  41. Creeping bentgrass, Poa annua, and plant growth strategies
  42. Green speed measurement by different people
  43. Potassium and leaf water content
  44. Leaf nutrient content of bentgrass and korai clippings
  45. Variation in soil nutrient content across a green
  46. Soil organic matter production over time
  47. How American superintendents are taught about products
  48. Mass balance applied to greenkeeping
  49. How I evaluate new grasses
  50. Two methods to calculate a sand topdressing requirement
  51. The components of evapotranspiration
  52. How much does cultivation help bentgrass?
  53. Ten things I’ve learned from tournament golf course maintenance
  54. Course maintenance and COVID-19
  55. The starting point for a system of putting surface management
  56. Details for a system of putting surface management
  57. A simple and effective method for evaluating smoothness and trueness of putting greens
  58. Putting green speed of warm-season grasses
  59. The exact change in soil organic matter after coring and topdressing
  60. Infiltration rate of putting greens
  61. Components of a green speed model
  62. Hydrogen peroxide treatment to turfgrass
  63. What is the cost of 1 gram of nitrogen?
  64. Simulated fertilizer recommendations by two sampling methods
  65. Observations of Zoysia matrella (korai) seedhead production
  66. Potassium, sands, and response to fertilizer
  67. Site-specific potassium recommendations based on mass balance
  68. Winter traffic and frost delays
  69. What about light?
  70. The DLI index for a complete year
  71. Using the ball roll trueness (bobble) test
  72. When is a stimpmeter measurement an outlier?
  73. Seasonal variation in irrigation
  74. Soil moisture sensors can measure the efficiency of applied irrigation
  75. Research into dollar spot management with reduced fungicide use
  76. A turfgrass growth ratio compares actual growth to expected growth
  77. Counting the hours of “humid” or “steamy” weather
  78. Leaf wetness duration comparison between locations
  79. Soil organic material, soil organic matter, and sand topdressing
  80. Making use of green condition board data
  81. Variation in putting green soil chemical properties by space and by depth
  82. My nitrogen fertilizer recommendations this year
  83. Five statistics for summer length and intensity
  84. Summer length and intensity at 38 locations around the world
  85. Evapotranspiration by the hour
  86. What I would do about algae and moss
  87. Change in putting green conditions from morning to afternoon
  88. The perfect location for cool-season grass
  89. Is any sand missing?
  90. A normal amount of growth
  91. Soil surfactant re-application timing based on air temperature
  92. Three different soil test depths on putting greens
  93. Normal leaf nutrient levels for four species used on putting greens
  94. A shade stress index for warm-season grasses
  95. Overseeding and grow-in windows
  96. Creeping bentgrass seed production
  97. Lethal high temperatures for turfgrass

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