A hypothesis about the most sustainable grass
I’ve written about zoysia growing faster than bermuda. Mike Richardson asked:
so, the real question…is that better? “Slow growing” has always been one of my favorite traits of zoysia…
I answered that it is better, and that I would explain my hypothesis later. Here it is:
The most sustainable grass for a given location is the one that has the most growth per unit of N and per unit of H2O applied.
- most sustainable grass is the one that requires the fewest inputs to produce the desired surface
- location is the temperature and light combination.
- one considers all the grasses that could possibly produce the desired surface at that location
- from those, one selects those that don’t die when N and H2O are reduced
It follows that of the remaining grasses—by that I mean those that don’t die—the one with the fastest growth rate will require the fewest inputs to produce the desired surface, because one can supply low amounts of N and water to that grass. The one with the fastest growth rate also gives the most maintenance options, because one can adjust the growth rate across a wider range.