Divot math

I have two objectives with this post. One, to bookmark for myself, and to share with you, the classic article Tailor-Made: new equations to determine proper tee size by Paul Vermeulen.

Second, I wonder if anyone can share with me the equivalent for sports turf, and specifically for football (soccer). It seems to me the calculations would be similar. Tee sizes can vary, of course. Football pitch size is fixed, but the amount of traffic can vary. The same type of calculation could be used to let size be fixed and traffic vary, and one could solve for traffic.

Here’s what I want to know. How much use can a football pitch tolerate? By use I mean games, or practice time. I understand this will depend on the grass, and pitch construction and maintenance, and the season, and the type of use. I also understand that grass differences can be modeled, as can seasons, as can types of use. The effect of pitch construction and maintenance can be accounted for. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Football pitch use seems to be similar to the tee size problem, but rather than adjusting the size of the tee, one has to adjust the use of the pitch.

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