Golf in Japan, Mt. Fuji, and the two green system

On an early spring day I visited a golf course with a great view of Mt. Fuji. This will be a stunning view when the cherry trees are in full bloom.

There are 72 holes (4 courses, each of 18 holes) run out of 1 maintenance facility here, and I was reminded of just how much work is involved in the maintenance of these facilities. Of the 72 holes, 54 of them (3 courses) use the two green system. Only 1 of the courses uses the one green system. And these are not summer and winter greens, they are all creeping bentgrass.

So for 72 holes, there are 126 greens to maintain, plus the practice greens. And this is all done with a maintenance crew of less than 50 people. Impressive work!

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