OM246 calculator updated
I’ve updated the OM246 calculator to v2 with two substantial changes.
One is an entirely new tab for unit conversions between different ways of expressing sand rates. I like mm. Others use kg/ha or tons/ha. Then there are pounds or even cubic feet per 1,000 ft2. If you hear someone like me state a rate in a unit you aren’t familiar with, this app should be able to make the conversion to a more convenient unit, instantly.
A second change is a complete overhaul in the calculation of the sand requirement based on a set of user-specified conditions. The solution to this is non-linear, and v1 of the app made an approximation of the answer using algebraic calculations. The new version (v2) uses numerical approximation to find an exact answer to the quantity of sand required.
For more, see the OM246 project page.