Seven minutes of outstanding contributions

Dr. Micah Woods and Dr. Wendy Gelernter pose with rare first edition copies of A Short Grammar of Greenkeeping

The GCSAA announced last week that Dr. Larry Stowell and Dr. Wendy Gelernter have been selected to receive the prestigious Outstanding Contribution Award.

I asked Google’s NotebookLM AI service to generate an audio overview of their contributions.

You can speed it up to 2x if you like, and listen in only three and a half minutes too 😉 🎧 😄.

So much of the work done in the turf industry today, and the fine results achieved, are influenced by work done by Wendy and Larry. GP, MLSN, IPM, precise management of salinity, and so much more.

I picked the photo of Wendy and I shown above (if you are getting this by email, go to the blog post on the website to see it) to use as a featured image for this post, and when I previewed the post I realized the cover of the book has the GP equation right on it! I’m glad to have an AI model that can help to summarize their wide-ranging contributions for me.

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