Ten posts no one read in 2019

The median blog post on this site in 2019 got 244 views. And there were a few up around 1,000 to 2,000 views.

There were these top 10 that everyone read.

And then there were these bottom 10 that almost no one read. Just in case you missed any of these the first time around, I’m giving them another chance here.

[1] April, The ATC Turfgrass Library

[2] September, Grass on the Kumamoto City Tram lines with a look at the beautiful grass in the heart of the city, and some videos of the amazing mowing system used to cut this grass.

[3] June, Turf color, consistency, and the oldest course in Thailand. I really thought this one would get more views. It has pretty pictures, a birdie dance, and elephants in a winery. In re-reading the post just now, I see that I showed colors and didn’t discuss the consistency that I included in the title. The idea is, consistency of good playing conditions is a desirable goal, and consistency of color through the year is not necessarily required.

[4, tie] July, The Cornell Turf Talk Podcast with Special Guest David Hicks was really good, and I recommend it.

[4, tie] September, New ATC Media Library with videos, podcasts, and more

[6] March, Tokyo temperatures and growth potential, animated. This has interesting charts.

[7] March, “Pretty hopeless in predicting deficiency” is a quote about tissue tests for micronutrients.

[8] November, Grammatik for greenkeepere, plus buckets and stimp stats

[9, tie] January, Ten posts that no one read in 2018

[9, tie] December, The top 10 posts of 2019

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