Ten posts no one read last year
I’ve shared the posts from 2022 that got the most views. Then there are these 10 that got the fewest.
Part of the reason for few views may be a lack of interest in the topic. But it may also be the time of year or time of day when I published this, or perhaps it’s a poor title or a boring thumbnail image that didn’t draw much attention. When you see this list, you might find one you missed the first time around. Or you may have more time to have a quick read of these, or to watch some of the videos.
Here they are, counting down to the post with the fewest views in 2022.
[10] PACE Turf updates in 2022 lists all the topics (125 of them) covered by PACE Turf in the first 49 weeks of the year.
[9] Is this the best extra hole in golf? looks at an exceptional unused ocean side hole.
[8] Golf rounds and days open takes a look at data from a single prefecture in Japan for one month. How many rounds were played, and how many maintenance Mondays were there?
[7] Mowing patterns in tea fields considers some different ways of making stripes on grass—and tea.
[6] Turfgrass on a Spanish tour tells a story about my first trip to Spain, and announces the topics for a series of seminars in that country.
[5] The Talking Greenkeeper: Season 5, Episode 1 reviews the instant classic episode of this show when Dr. Frank Rossi finally made an appearance on the show.
[4] Two week turfgrass tour in Japan has direct links to the eighteen! videos I shared from a two week visit to Japan.
[3] ATC Doublecut listeners by country looks at where those podcast listeners were listening from in mid-2022.
[2] Do more people watch or listen to the ATC Doublecut?
[1] Key moments automatically added on videos shows how automatic topic time stamps—similar to a table of contents for the videos—have been added to many of the videos on ATC’s YouTube channel.