Turf video playlists

I’ve been adding new videos to the ATC YouTube channel and as I’ve done that a lot of the videos fit nicely into playlists. If you haven’t checked these out yet, I recommend doing so.

You can subscribe to the ATC YouTube channel to get all the new videos in your YouTube app or account.

Scrolling through the playlists is an easy way to find information about topics of interest to you.

For example, my recent discussion with Scott Mingay and Jordan Booth about the USGA’s GS3 ball is part of The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods playlist.

And when I visited Andrew McDaniel at Keya Golf Club in Japan, and Jason Haines at Sunshine Coast Golf and Country Club in Canada, we recorded videos that are in the Cart Rides with Micah playlist. At the time of writing there are 21 videos in that playlist, covering a wide range of grasses and locations. Maryland, Georgia, Tennessee, Spain, New Zealand, Japan, Washington, Canada: I’m pretty sure you’ll find something interesting in that playlist.

Then there is the ATC at Home playlist, which is about lawns. Videos in this playlist have looked so far at lawns in Oregon, Thailand, and Canada.

You can see all the playlists, including ones on ATC Office Hours, OM246, ClipVol, and seminar screencasts, at the playlists tab on the ATC YouTube channel.

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