Updated OM246 sampling instructions

I was collecting OM246 samples at sunrise on a busy golf course near Bangkok on Tuesday, and I remembered that I was going to update the OM246 sampling instructions.

That update is now made, so when you download the sampling instructions, you’ll get version 0.3. What’s changed?

  • I added a recommendation to do a post-burn particle size analysis to check the sand fractions at the 0–2 cm depth, at the 2–4 cm depth, and at the 4–6 cm depth. The particle size analysis allows one to compare the sand fractions in various ways, including over time, compared with the original rootzone material, compared with the topdressing sand, compared with the USGA Recommendations, compared with potential topdressing sands, and so on.
This chart shows the particle size analysis at three different depths in the soil (0--2 cm, 2--4 cm, and 4--6 cm) with the topdressing sand particle size shown for comparison.
This chart shows the particle size analysis at three different depths in the soil (0–2 cm, 2–4 cm, and 4–6 cm) with the topdressing sand particle size shown for comparison.
  • I wanted to emphasize that any tool is suitable for collecting samples. I reread the instructions, and found them clear enough about that already. The tools required include a “soil sampler or profiler—you can use whatever tool you like—examples in Figures 1 & 2 show my favorite types of samplers.”

  • I also added a link in the instructions to the short OM246 sampling demonstration video.

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