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Roots, growth potential, and fertilizer
Bhupendra Singh posted a photo on Instagram with this caption: Growing roots! Tifdwarf at Peacock Course Greens, Delhi Golf Club I wondered how the grass had been managed for the past six months.
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2021-05-27
2 min read
A DLI Index
I’ve shown the sum of the mean daily temperature over 2014 for four locations: Fukuoka and Tokyo in Japan, Holly Springs in Mississippi, and Watkinsville in Georgia. Fukuoka had the highest accumulated temperature, then Tokyo, then Watkinsville, and the coolest of those four locations was Holly Springs.
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2021-02-05
4 min read
Silica and Green Speed
This is something that has never made sense to me. Actually, it seems ridiculous. Zoysia greens are not renowned for being especially fast. But zoysia has especially high silica content in the leaves.
Micah Woods
2 min read
A hypothesis concerning the most important time for sunlight to fall on turfgrass
Adam Garr asked if there is a great resource on morning light for turf: Can anyone point me to a great resource explaining the importance of morning sun on greens that I can share with members?
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2021-08-26
2 min read
Everyone knows zoysia grows slower than bermuda, except when ...
… it doesn’t. In fact, there is one variety of manilagrass (Zoysia matrella) that consistently grows faster than bermudagrass in Southeast Asia. I’ve had occasion to study and measure this grass, and there is no doubt that it grows faster than bermuda here.
Micah Woods
4 min read
Zoysia on putting greens? Why?
Korai green on the 18th at Keya GC during the 2014 KBC Augusta tournament. Why would one deliberately use manilagrass (Zoysia matrella, or korai in Japan) on golf course putting greens?
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2021-04-15
3 min read
Increasing potassium “may impart a negative effect on drought resistance”
Does adding more potassium improve drought resistance? This article by Rowland et al. takes an in-depth look at that important question. They looked at bermudagrass (Tifeagle and Tifdwarf), seashore paspalum (SeaDwarf), and zoysia (PristineFlora) grown in a USGA sand rootzone.
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2021-07-04
2 min read
Hitting all of our goals
This is an extraordinarily good video about grasses, mowing, construction, irrigation, soils, playability, maintenance cost, and more. If you are interested in these topics, watch this interview with Don Mahaffey.
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2021-04-13
1 min read
Divot problems (or not) on manilagrass tees
The par 3 twelfth hole at Keya GC in the summer of 2013. I’ve written about perceived divot problems on manilagrass (Zoysia matrella) tees. To summarize, I’ve heard many objections (in theory) to the use of manilagrass on tees in Southeast Asia, the thought being that manilagrass grows slowly and divot recovery may be too slow for this grass to be suitable on tees.
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2021-07-25
2 min read
Turfgrass, overseeding, and growth potential at Dubai
The 8th hole on the Majilis Course at Emirates Golf Club I had the chance to visit Emirates Golf Club and Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht Club during the last week of 2013.
Micah Woods
3 min read