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Looking at the clipping volume growth ratio
A question came up about optimum clipping volume and whether that quantity of clippings changes by season. That amount must change for any location at which there are seasonal changes in the weather.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Cranking up the volume
There is a comprehensive explanation of clipping volume in Golf Course Management. I knew this would be good, because Chris Tritabaugh is an accomplished writer. His years of experience using and thinking about ClipVol show in the article.
Micah Woods
1 min read
N input accounting
Phil Collinson asked an interesting question: when calculating N inputs, do greenkeepers account for N added outside of fertilizer? Greenkeepers - when calculating N inputs for the year do you account for N outside of fert?
Micah Woods
5 min read
Flying Blind: the episode you've been waiting for
You’ve seen the trailer and heard the bleeps. Now, you can watch the full episode. This is “Flying Blind”, Episode 3 in Season 1 of my Grammar of Greenkeeping show.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Thai GCSA seminar: improving playing conditions and optimizing work efficiency
Today I gave a seminar at the Thai GCSA meeting. Photo by Boy Yothin These are the slides in Thai. And these are the slides in English. We talked about a number of topics.
Micah Woods
1 min read
The Flying Blind trailer: 8 things to know, measure, and adjust
Filming is complete for episode 3 of ATC’s Grammar of Greenkeeping show and the trailer came out today. This film had been scheduled to debut at an AGIF webinar this month.
Micah Woods
1 min read
7 things I've learned about turfgrass around the world
The day has finally arrived! I had a great time making this movie. I’ve been fortunate to have many friends around the world who have taught me a lot, and I spoke with some of them in this video.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Key things to know about high quality turf surfaces
Playability is what it is all about, isn’t it? At least for putting greens, one wants to have surfaces upon which the ball rolls at a certain pace, and which have a firmness that is appropriate for the conditions.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Two suggestions about clipping volume data recording
I’ve recommended these before, and having found myself repeatedly suggesting the Wisconsin clipping tracker template (read about this at the UW site1) and the Data organization in spreadsheets article. This post is a bookmark for that topic.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Three #rturf projects: green speed & clipvol, zoysia response to fertilizer during grow-in, and report automation
You may have seen a few posts about #rturf on my personal site. I’m writing about that topic over there so I don’t clutter up the ATC site with too much data analysis and computer code.
Micah Woods
6 min read