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Monthly maximum N or annual maximum N
I sometimes talk about maximum N. You may have heard me refer to the standard amount of N. I discussed that with Michael Bekken in this ATC Doublecut episode. What do I mean by these quantities of N?
Micah Woods
3 min read
Documenting your progress toward sustainability
In 2013, I was a co-author on this article with Drs. Wendy Gelernter and Larry Stowell. I encourage you to read the article now, if it’s your first time to come across it, or to read it again if you haven’t perused it recently.
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2024-12-23
2 min read
A nitrogen amount that's far too small—or is it?
An anonymous golf course superintendent sent me this message: I’m blown away by the quality of these surfaces with an amount of nitrogen I would’ve thought was far too small.
Micah Woods
1 min read
"Successfully complicating something that distracts us from the real challenges we should be addressing on golf courses"
Frank Rossi and Chris Tritabaugh had a short conversation about the fascinating Park Grass experiment, and about a lot more than that—fertilizer, bentgrass, dogma, salaries, budgets, detail work, GPS sprayers, and so on.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Best time of the year to soil sample
My advice is to test for soil nutrients at the time of the year when nutrient levels are likely to be at their lowest. In temperate climates in which there is some precipitation during the summer, then this is an autumn timing.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Best judgment of the agronomist
Here are direct quotes from books and articles over the past 50 years. Do you notice a trend here? Actually, trend might not be the correct word. I’ll rephrase it like this: do you notice the persistence of an unsolved problem?
Micah Woods
4 min read
K fertilizer and more snow mold
Doug Soldat has been posting these spectacular photos every year. See the “related posts” section at the bottom for more of these from past years. When he shared this one, he wrote “stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Is two tenths of a pound of nitrogen a lot, or a little?
A pound of nitrogen. That’s a substantial amount of N, right? Apply a pound of N in a single application and that’s going to create a lot of growth—way too much growth in most cases—and may lead to some thatch production.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Park Grass photos
Have you heard about the Park Grass experiment? The one that started in 1856 with different fertilizer treatments applied to a hay meadow in England, with those fertilizer treatments applied year after year to see what happened to hay yields?
Micah Woods
2 min read
Fertilizer recommendations by three different methods: SPF, SLAN, and MLSN
Daniel Hahn and Romain Giraud wrote an article on LinkedIn about fertilisation decisions based on MLSN and STERF’s precision fertilisation (SPF). If you are at all interested in this topic, I hope you’ll read their article.
Micah Woods
4 min read