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Our VIP tent seminar at the Catalunya Championship
David Bataller organized a seminar in the VIP tent behind the 18th green on Thursday morning during the Catalunya Championship. Measuring air temperature, humidity, and wind speed on the 18th green just after sunrise.
Micah Woods
5 min read
My preferred method of OM246 sample collection
I’ve collected a lot of soil samples for total organic matter testing by depth. That’s what I call OM246 testing. My preferred method for this is to use a straight (no taper at the tip) cylinder to pull the core.
Micah Woods
3 min read
Organic material accumulates more rapidly in putting green soils under these two conditions
An interesting phenomenon happens when grass is planted on a golf course putting green. There’s typically not much organic material in the soil when the green is first planted. The organic material increases rapidly, to about 4% organic material in the top inch (2.
Micah Woods
3 min read
What if it was never there?
I’ve been thinking about this one a lot. It seems obvious that a sward supplied with more nitrogen fertilizer will tend to produce more organic material in the soil. It also seems obvious that a sward on which hollow-tine cultivation, or scarification, or sand topdressing, have been conducted, will need to receive more nitrogen in order to produce a surface compared with an adjacent sward that didn’t receive any of that work.
Micah Woods
3 min read
Soil, grass, and playability
I have recorded both my presentations from the ATPI (Association of Turfgrass Professionals Ireland) conference in Galway. One is systematic improvement of course conditions. In that, I explained how we can only get the kind of playing surfaces we want when both the soil and the grass are in the right condition.
Micah Woods
2 min read
A crash course in OM246 total organic matter testing
I put together a couple videos that discuss total organic material testing. First, this one, which shows some samples I’ve collected. From my office, to the post office, I discuss what is going to happen with them at the laboratory.
Micah Woods
1 min read
What's normal for OM2
I’ve been trying to explain what’s normal, and in one of those explanations I ended up making these charts. I also separate those same data by species. In ATC’s report for OM246 tests (see a sample report with charts), I include charts and percentiles that show what is normal for the current test results, based on the most recently updated version of the dataset.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Five comments about the ATC Office Hours on OM246
A colleague from Canada wrote to me with five comments after finishing this ATC Office Hours with Chris Tritabaugh (or listen as a podcast here). Just listened to your talk with Chris and wish I had the where about to attend it live, as I would have kept the chat room real busy!
Micah Woods
8 min read
The Talking Greenkeeper podcast with Jason Haines
Joe Gulotti, host of The Talking Greenkeeper podcast, invited Jason Haines and I to join him for a fun conversation. We talked about sustainability, MLSN, OM246, playability, sand topdressing, and a special Christmas for Joe in Arizona.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Organic matter variability between greens at the same site
Daniel Hahn asked an interesting question about organic matter. Talking about “variability between greens at the same site,” he wondered, “could you explain what your opinion is about the statement, if you think greens vary a lot in OM or if you see minor difference?
Micah Woods
2 min read