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soil test
Do you need to add beneficial microbes to the soil to make it function properly?
A correspondent wrote with a question about soil biology for controlling organics, adding compost tea to feed beneficial bacteria, and etc. There are two articles that I recommend as an introduction to this topic, both by David Zuberer.
Micah Woods
5 min read
Humbug, the MLSN movie
This is a movie about making fertilizer recommendations from soil tests using MLSN. I hope you enjoy watching this, and that this video provides a few new bits of information about what MLSN is and how it works.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Airplane fuel requirements, soil test calcium, and MLSN
Grant Saunders asked a series of questions about the quantity of nutrients required in the soil, using calcium as an example. One can see that full discussion here. When he asked this question, I thought the clearest way to answer it would be with a blog post.
Micah Woods
7 min read
After 17 inches of rain, how much K leached?
When I was at Keya GC last month for the Japan Amateur Championship, it rained a lot. From June 29 to July 8, there was precipitation every day, and the total was 446 mm, or 17.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Two solutions for the problems of turfgrass fertilizer recommendations
In the autumn of 2017, Stewart Brown wrote to me. “Dear Sir, I write on behalf of the European Turfgrass Society for which I am the current President.” He was inviting me to give a keynote presentation at the 2018 conference in Manchester.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Fixing these issues in one fell swoop
I was writing an article yesterday about MLSN and reading some articles about soil testing and turfgrass nutrition. I came across this gem from Turner & Waddington (1978). “Unfortunately, turfgrass recommendations appear to be based on research done with other crops, such as forages, results from turfgrass fertility studies not designed to relate to soil testing, and the best judgement of the agronomist making the recommendations.
Micah Woods
1 min read
"I am curious about your stance on nutrients in irrigation water ..."
A correspondent wrote with these inquiries: “I am curious about your stance on nutrients in irrigation water. For example let’s say the irrigation source has 60.6 PPM or 13.76 lb/A/in Calcium.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Is the MLSN value the average?
Matt Nelson asked about this in a recent seminar. I was explaining that conventional nutrient guidelines, as described in this article by Carrow et al., classify soils as low, medium or high.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Representing the distribution of a lot of numbers
Last month I gave a seminar about the Global Soil Survey (GSS). Soil tests generate a lot of numbers. The GSS, as a collection of soil tests from a lot of sites, is a lot of numbers.
Micah Woods
3 min read
Geographical analysis of those using MLSN
Allan Dewald posted a poll on Twitter, asking how many other superintendents on Twitter are using the MLSN guidelines. The results of the poll, with 93 votes, were 41% using MLSN, 38% using conventional guidelines, and 21% not soil testing.
3 min read