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All the hashtags, in a tropical climate
A view of the sixth hole at Nikanti GC near Bangkok. Brad Revill from BRT Agronomy has been working with #MLSN, #ClipVol, and #OM246 throughout Southeast Asia and with a few select clients in Australia.
Micah Woods
1 min read
A turfgrass tissue testing manifesto
Doug Soldat joined me for an ATC Office Hours discussion about leaf nutrient analyses (tissue testing) for turfgrass. I’ve embedded the video at the end of this post, link to it here, or listen to the podcast version here.
Micah Woods
5 min read
The wonders of [just enough] traffic on turfgrass
I’ve noticed that traffic—just enough traffic—can transform some grasses into an amazing type of surface. I’ve seen this with Cynodon in China, with Festuca in Iceland, and in other places as well, but those are a couple that come to mind.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Soil organic matter and N mineralization
I’ve been making estimates of N mineralization from soil organic matter for the past few years using the method described by Gilmour and Mauromoustakos in Nitrogen mineralization from soil organic matter: a sequential model.
Micah Woods
3 min read
More about zoysia on highway medians in Thailand
Last year I wrote about manilagrass (Zoysia matrella) sod on highway medians in Thailand. I showed photos of a recently planted median, and explained why zoysia doesn’t persist in this environment when maintained without supplemental irrigation and regular mowing.
Micah Woods
2 min read
What zoysia driveways in southern Thailand taught me about rolling
I see a lot of grass in driveways, parks, lawns, and fields when I run around southern Thailand. And because I can’t run very fast, and I happen to be curious about grasses, I get a pretty good look at what is growing.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Flights and favorite turf photos of 2020
This is usually where I show a map with all my flights, mention that they took me some hundred thousands of kilometers, and then share some of my favorite turf photos from all the places I went.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Thai GCSA seminar: improving playing conditions and optimizing work efficiency
Today I gave a seminar at the Thai GCSA meeting. Photo by Boy Yothin These are the slides in Thai. And these are the slides in English. We talked about a number of topics.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Worldwide agroclimatology data, PAR, shade, and grass
I’ve been using the NASA POWER agroclimatology data for a few projects. I get the data using the convenient nasapower R package by Adam Sparks. There is also a web-based map data access viewer.
Micah Woods
3 min read
Sodding highway median strips with zoysia
I’ve seen a lot of highways in Thailand. Highway medians are sodded with manilagrass (Zoysia matrella) as a matter of course (more about the cost of that below). I’ve seen some impressive vistas of this work in past years, but for safety reasons haven’t been able to get any photos.
Micah Woods
3 min read