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A behind the scenes look at soil testing
Soil testing is amazing. Many critical parameters can be measured on a small sample. The test results can then be used to improve turfgrass performance, adjust soil pH, apply necessary fertilizers, and much, much more.
Micah Woods
5 min read
Turf video playlists
I’ve been adding new videos to the ATC YouTube channel and as I’ve done that a lot of the videos fit nicely into playlists. If you haven’t checked these out yet, I recommend doing so.
Micah Woods
2 min read
New seminar section on the website
There was a time when I habitually made seminar handouts as web pages.1 Then I stopped doing that. From about 2015 I was posting seminar slides on my SpeakerDeck account. But I haven’t been doing that for a couple years, and I now generally make a video screencast of a presentation if I really want to share it.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Key moments automatically added on videos
Some videos on the ATC YouTube channel have chapters—timestamps—that I have added for different topics. I haven’t done that for all the videos, but it is really cool that YouTube has identified some of the topics and added the timestamps automatically.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Do more people watch or listen to the ATC Doublecut?
In autumn of 2021 I started The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods, a show where I talk about turfgrass topics that I’ve found interesting enough to write about. ATC Doublecut podcast website ATC Doublecut video playlist It’s been 9 months and 50 episodes now.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Highlights from my presentations in New Zealand
I gave two presentations, about two of my favorite topics, at the Golf Matters NZ Conference in Christchurch. Links to the recorded screencasts are below, if you’d like to get the entire presentation in rapid form.
Micah Woods
3 min read
A crash course in OM246 total organic matter testing
I put together a couple videos that discuss total organic material testing. First, this one, which shows some samples I’ve collected. From my office, to the post office, I discuss what is going to happen with them at the laboratory.
Micah Woods
1 min read
The ATC Office Hours and ATC Doublecut Debut
Two shows make their debut today. One is The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods, in which I discuss topics from the blog. Giving those topics a doublecut, so to speak, by first writing about them and then discussing some of the background and related information for that topic.
Micah Woods
1 min read
All the organic material
Everyone understands the segmentation of OM246 samples by depth. That is in the name of the test, after all. Most people understand that OM246 testing is a mass loss on ignition of all the material.
Micah Woods
1 min read
ATC newsletter survey results: future video topics
In the last ATC update newsletter I included a survey about future video topics. These are the results. Thanks to everyone for the feedback! A topic that has been on my mind and that I want to explain further is N fertilizer and ClipVol.
Micah Woods
1 min read